Monday 3 August 2015

Short Story - Amelie, Michelle and Gracie - Day Five

The day is finally here! All of the films were collected last night and a winner has been decided on. Before they tell us who it is, we get to watch all of them. I'm really excited to see everyone else's and try and gauge their reactions towards ours. We have all gathered in the hall where there is a projector and are sitting along benches, waiting nervously. Gracie managed to get us seats near the front so we will hopefully get a good view of everybody's creations.

"Girls! Quieten down please, the films are about to start." A camp leader is trying to gain control, but
I think we are all too nervous to settle down. My heart is going at a rate of knots and my palms are sweating. I wipe them off on my jeans just as Michelle comes and sits down next to me. "I'm not even going to ask." She laughs. The old Michelle would have made some smart comment to try and make me feel small, but she seems to be trying really hard to be nice.
"Are you nervous?" I ask.
Her smile fades, "Terrified. I'm trying not to think about it."
I'm taken aback by her response and try to reassure her, "You've got nothing to be afraid of, I bet our film is the best one here." As I say it I try to sound optimistic, but really I know that I have no idea whether ours is good enough. I really want it to succeed, not just for Michelle, but for Gracie and I too.

As the films start playing, everyone falls silent. At the start of each different groups' one, a little cheer will go up from somewhere in the hall and then everyone listens intently, seeing what they were up against. Although I enjoy watching all of the films, the wait to see ours is tortuous. They seem to have put it at the end and I really wish they hadn't; I don't think my nerves can take much more!

When we finally get to ours, Michelle is shaking so much I worry she might fall off her seat. As they
start playing it, I grab hold of Gracie and Michelle's arms for support. I really hope everyone likes it. It all seems to be going well until we get to a clip I don't remember seeing before. After watching it for a little longer, I realise it is the argument I had with Michelle. My mouth falls open in horror at the realisation that someone has sabotaged our film. They have filmed us arguing with each other and then edited it in. I turn to Michelle to see if she knows what is going on, but her eyes are welling up and she has pressed her lips tightly together. I have to find out who did this. They have ruined our whole film and embarrassed us in front of everybody. After the clip is over, there is another one, this time Michelle apologising to me and Gracie. I can't believe somebody has secretly filmed us, as if we were on some kind of reality TV show. They have kept all our other clips and edited their ones around them, so it looks like we meant it to be that way. Michelle has her head in her hands and is trying to hide her tears, but people have noticed that something is wrong and are starting to crane their necks for a better view. I give her a hug, but she mumbles something to me. "What did you say?" I try and pull her shoulders up so she will face me, but she keeps her hands in front of her face.
"You don't have to try and comfort me," she whispers through a sob,  "I know our film is ruined."
"No it isn't," I try to make the best of it, "our original clips are still there, we can tell them afterwards that those other ones shouldn't have been included."
"What's the point? They've already picked a winner and it isn't us." Michelle has given up and it breaks my heart to see her so defeated. I have got to put this right.

After our film has finished, Ms Varrelbass strides up to the front and shouts, "We will announce the winners once you all quieten down." I roll my eyes; only she could manage to make winning sound like a chore. Another camp leader walks up beside her and mutters something before saying, "The winners of the competition whose film will be shown on our website are ... Amelie, Michelle and Gracie!" I can't believe my ears. Surely this isn't right. Not after our film was quite plainly destroyed in front of everyone. There is a silence and the camp leader tries again, "Amelie, Michelle and Gracie, would you like to come up to the front?" I grin at Gracie and Michelle as we stand up, Michelle wiping tears from her eyes. "Do I look okay?" she mouths at me.
"Yes, you look great!" I nod back, smiling. We walk to the front and stand in front of a sea of faces, all as shocked as we are that we have won. "Well done girls." The camp leader pats us on the back, "A very good film which showcases that summer camp is not just about the games or activities, but learning the value of friendship and how to stick by each other, through thick and thin." If what I'm hearing is right, we won the competition because of those extra clips. The ones Michelle was sobbing over a minute ago. Life is really surprising sometimes.

"Thank you both for helping me achieve my dream and making this camp such a memorable one." Michelle engulfs me and Gracie in a massive hug as we say our goodbyes.
"And thank you for giving me confidence that people want to hear what I've got to say." Gracie smiles, picking up her suitcase.
"My turn to say thank you!" I grin, "Thank you for being the greatest friends I could ever wish for. This has been the best camp ever."

Sunday 2 August 2015

Short Story - Amelie, Michelle and Gracie - Day Four

It's our penultimate day at camp and we've got to finish the film today so they can announce the winners tomorrow. I think we've got a really good chance of winning, but I suppose it's easy for me to say that when I haven't seen any of the other girls' films. Michelle is a bit frantic because she wants it to be perfect, but I'm just trying to enjoy being here until we have to leave. It might have been helpful if there had been less arguing, because we lost valuable time yesterday, but at least we started work early today to try and make up for it.

"Amelie, I'm ready." Michelle peers into the dingy changing rooms, but it's too dark for her to see. "Just coming!" I shout to reassure her that I'm still here. There are no windows and the bulbs on the lights blew in here last year, but no one has ever got round to fixing them. It makes getting dressed a little tricky because I keep misplacing my clothes and then I am forced to feel around blindly on the floor looking for them. Finally, I locate my shoes and, slipping them on, I head out into the corridor. The contrast of light momentarily disables me and I squint around, trying to see Michelle. "For goodness' sake Amelie, I'm over here." I feel someone take hold of my shoulders and spin me around. My eyes have adjusted and I open them fully, to see Michelle standing in front of me looking confused as to what I was just doing. "Sorry," I start to explain, "it was dark and then light. You know what I mean? My eyes did the thing ..."
"I don't care what you were doing," Michelle cuts in, "let's just get on with it shall we?" I pull a face at her harsh tone.
"Oh, I did it again didn't I?" She says meekly. "I was rude. I'm sorry."
Wow! That's the first time she's apologised so quickly, I think we might be getting somewhere. "That's okay," I smile, "just consider what you're going to say before you say it next time."

Me, Michelle and Gracie spend all morning filming clips of people swimming, playing sports and
doing art. It's similar to what Gracie and I did originally, but this time we go up to the people and get them to talk to the camera. Michelle says it will make the film seem "more personal", whatever that means. At lunchtime, I interview the dinner ladies and then Michelle and Gracie get feedback from people eating the food. I try to tell Michelle that it isn't feedback if you tell the girls what to say, but she said we didn't want negative comments spoiling the film. So Gracie is put on the task of coming up with good things for everyone to say. She actually does a very good job for someone who doesn't usually know what to say herself.

"Ready Gracie?"
"Yep, let's go!" We're off to the campfire, but our work isn't quite over yet as Gracie suggested we film that too. For once Michelle was in agreement, so she is borrowing the camp's special camera which can film in the dark. I think it's the reason there isn't enough money to fix the bulbs in the changing rooms, but I would definitely rather have the camera than the lights.
"After this, the film will be finished and then we can go home!" Gracie looks relieved.
"Didn't you enjoy it?" I ask her.
"Some parts were fun, but others ... Slightly traumatic."
I laugh, "Don't you think you're being a tad over-dramatic?"
"Maybe." she smiles back, "I'll just be glad to get home to a quiet household."
"What I would give to have some peace and quiet at home! With a little brother and sister, there is always someone making a racket."
"Oh god, that sounds awful." Gracie looks genuinely horrified.
"I'm used to it, I don't really mind." It makes me smile that we are such different people, yet we get along so well. This is how friendship should be.

I spot Michelle standing by the side of the fire getting the camera set up. "Hi, how's it going?" I say as I wander over.
"Almost done, this camera is really complicated but I think I might have just about got it."
"What do you want us to do?"
"You can help me if you really want, but I think it would be better for you to just go and enjoy yourselves. It will give the film closure if you appear at the beginning and the end."
"Sure," I turn to Gracie, "I'm happy to join in if you are."
"Yeah, I vote for enjoying ourselves!" Gracie grins and I follow her over to a log where we perch, ready for the fun to begin. There isn't long to wait and, on Michelle's cue, a young camp leader gets everyone singing. It's a wonderful feeling to know you are part of something special. This will certainly make a great end to our film.

Saturday 1 August 2015

Short Story - Amelie, Michelle and Gracie - Day Three

Well yesterday was ... eventful. I haven't seen Michelle since our little altercation so I don't know what's going to happen about the film. Even though I do feel bad about what I said to her, I almost feel worse about Gracie. She keeps saying it was her fault and that she caused the argument, even though I've been trying to reassure her that she's done nothing wrong. Oh, why does everything involving Michelle always have to end in tears?

I'm heading over to the hall to get breakfast, but I'm trying to take as long as possible to get there because Michelle is on my table and I know it's going to be really awkward. "Amelie, wait for me!" I
turn around to see Gracie running towards me. "Hi! I thought you had already gone." I shout as I wait for her to catch up.
"No, I've been putting it off, but when I saw you going I thought I would come too because it might be easier if we go in together."
"Good idea." I say, just as we reach the entrance.
"Brace yourself!" Gracie gives me an anxious smile and we step into the hall. Silence falls and everyone turns to face us. I feel physically sick and want to turn out of the door, run back to my dorm and never come out. Until a voice behind me booms, "What are you staring at?" I spin around come eye to eye with the terrifying-looking camp leader. Only she doesn't look terrifying any more. Somebody has managed to shave off her eyebrows whilst she was asleep and now her face looks ridiculous. In one swift move, she has gone from having the bushiest eyebrows in the UK to none at all.  I can't believe it and, in my shock, I burst out laughing. Immediately, I slap my hand across my mouth because I certainly don't want to witness the wrath of Ms Varrelbass. I think I get away with it because she steps around me and marches down the aisle in between all of the gaping girls, towards the teachers' table at the back. I would feel sorry for her if she hadn't yelled at me the first time I came to camp for not making my bed properly.

I am so relieved that we weren't the ones everyone was staring at that I completely forget about Michelle and go to sit down at our table as normal. It all comes flooding back as I look up and catch her eye though. Without saying a word, she slides a folded piece of paper across the table towards me and then gets up to leave. "What's this?" I call after her, but she doesn't respond and hurries out of the hall. I give Gracie a questioning look, but she just shrugs her shoulders, so I open it up and, in Michelle's unmistakably neat handwriting, are the words "We need to talk. Meet me by the lake at 11am." Turning to Gracie, I say, "She should have just talked to us now, I don't know why we have to go to a special meeting place. This is stupid."
"Maybe she didn't want everyone else to hear." Gracie suggests.
"It's always got to be about her, hasn't it?" I say, tutting.
"Girls!" One of the camp leaders shouts. "Breakfast ends early today, finish eating and make sure you're out in ten minutes." I hurry to grab some food and wolf it down, before clearing my plate and hurrying away. I think I've seen enough of Ms Varrelbass for one day.

Now that breakfast has finished early, we have two hours until we are supposed to meet Michelle. "Let's go and see if she's in her dorm, we can just talk to her there." I propose to Gracie, but she doesn't seem too keen. "I don't think that's a very good idea, what if she gets all angry like last time?"
"Gracie, you can't let Michelle scare you. We don't even know what she's got to say yet, it could be a good thing."
"I doubt that very much, but if you really want to go, then I'll come too as long as I don't have to say anything. Can you promise to stand up for me?"
"Of course I will!" I smile. "Come on, just trust me with this."
"Okay, go on then." I give Gracie a hug, then turn her round to face the direction of Michelle's dorm. I can't believe I'm about to do this.

"Michelle, are you in there?" I call as I knock on the door. There's no answer, but I can hear somebody in the room. "I've come to talk. I know you said later, but breakfast closed early and we didn't want to wait for two hours." Still no answer. I'm on the verge of just opening the door myself,
until I hear someone sneeze in the room. It's definitely Michelle. "Your cover's blown Michelle, I heard you sneeze. We can have the conversation through the door if you want, but then everyone outside would be able to hear it. Just come out, this is petty." I wait quietly, listening for signs of movement inside the room and after what seems like an eternity, the door opens a crack and her freckled face pokes its way out. "I'll talk to you in a minute," she says, and I can hear the defeat in her voice, "just let me finish putting on my make-up." I chuckle to myself; only Michelle would bother with make-up at an all-girls camp where most activities were outside. "Fine." I sigh. "But at least let us wait inside the room." Relenting, she opens the door wider and walks over to a pocket mirror which has been balanced on one of the bunk beds. Next to it is a whole row of bottles which are all pristine, yet I know they have been well used. It is certainly awkward, to say the least, but I am glad we are talking now. I hate having to ignore people. "So what did you want to tell us?" I say, when she has finally finished smearing stuff on her face. "I have a proposition." She fishes around under her mattress, pulls out a laptop and brings it over to me and Gracie who are perched on one of the lower bunks. Opening the lid she shows us a movie editing programme, "I have added the clips you took to the film. I'm, well, I'm ... sorry" she winces with the effort it takes to apologise, "and I thought if we could both decide on how a little bit of the film should look, then everyone will be happy. This is your bit, so I did what you wanted with the music and everything. I hope you like it." She hits the space bar and plays our part of the film. Admittedly, it is only twenty seconds long, but I can tell she has really tried. "Thank you so much," I give her a hug, "I really appreciate this." Turning to Gracie, I give her a chance to thank Michelle, but she just smiles.